Right to Education (RTE) 2018-19 Application Form- Apply Online Now

RTE 2018-19 Application Form- process for apply online
RTE – Admission Software (Application form online) : 2018-19 Application Available Live Apply online Now
- RTE Admission software 2018 details
- Documents required for RTE 2018 admission
- RTE 2018 Dates
- RTE Age Eligibility
- Check RTE Eligibility online
- Print Acknowledgement
- Know your School, Provisional List for RTE 2018.
- Know your RTE 2018 Round 1 results
Karnataka [highlight]RTE admission (Right to education) application form for the academic year 2018-19 is NOW Available online[/highlight], Last date for applying for RTE 2018-19 online application is 21-03-2018, eligible student’s parents are advised to visit the official website of Department of Public works, Government of Karnataka Website to fill the form online, submit the same before the last date of submission of RTE Application forms for the year 2018-19, Aadhaar is essential to apply online for RTE Karnataka 2018-19 Admissions into LKG or 1st Std., eligibility for LKG or 1st Standard admission can be checked here RTE Eligibility Checker
Government of Karnataka, Department of Public Instructions
Modification for School Preferences applied during Trial period in RTE 2018 Admission Software has been released, those who applied during trial period for RTE admission 2018, can now modify school preferences using the following Modification of RTE School preference link
Documents Required RTE Admission for the Academic year 2018-19:
1. Applicant Aadhaar Card
2. Birth Certificate (For Age Eligibility Click here for Eligibility)
3. Income and Caste Certificate
4. Parents Aadhaar Card
5. Govt. of Approved any Address Proof.
Government Employees also apply to RTE
RTE Parents/ Public related details/ Information Click here
Latest updates:
Mapping Process for 2018 under Right to Education. (Click Here)
Upload EID Acknowledgement in RTE 2018 Admission software at RTE Website: Click here to Upload.
Print Acknowledgement for RTE 2018 Admission
2018 Admission Software- Modification for School Preferences applied during Trial period in RTE.
Know Your School- Provisional List for RTE 2018, find out the school that falls in your region for admission into RTE quota, Please Click here to Know your Locality Schools to apply under RTE
Check Complete Documents needed and Procedure for RTE Admission
AADHAAR CARD/Number is compulsory.

Karnataka RTE 2018-19 Application Form for the academic year 2018-19
RTE Admissions Opening Date: 1st March 2018
RTE Applying online closing date: 21st March 2018
Age Eligibility for RTE Admission 2018:
LKG Date (Date of birth) range Required for eligibility from: 01-08-2010 to 31-07-2013
Date Eligibility for 1st Standard is (Date of birth): 01-08-2010 to 31-07-2012
Primary Education, Department of Public Instructions: Circular regarding admission process in Aided Schools under RTE 12(1)(b) for the year 2018-19.: Please Read the circular here
RTE Help Line: 1800-425-34567
Time Table Regarding Admission for the year 2018-19: Please Read the Details here
Previous Year Application details and forms Check here
Official Website: http://schooleducation.kar.nic.in/pryedn/rteadmissions.html
How To Print RTE 2018 admission Acknowledgement:
Parents who have applied/submitted their form for admission into RTE 2018 in RTE 2018 application admission software, can print acknowledgement by visiting the Link: Print Acknowledgement
Steps to Print Acknowledgement RTE 2018-19 Application:
Step1: Click on the above Print Acknowledgement link
Step2: Enter the application Number and Mobile number to print RTE Aknowledgement-2018
Step3: Click on button Print Acknowledgement
Provisional List of RTE List has been published, applicants who submitted their application form can now visit the RTE portal and check their entry in the provisional list: Please Click here for Provisional List
Right to Education (RTE) 2018 Round 1 Results have been declared, kindly visit RTE Round 1 result site here If you have any problem then visit the main RTE Karnataka portal here Result of RTE 2018- Round 1 and Click on RTE 2018 round 1 results.
Hello Sir, where we are staying there are some schools which are not allowing for RTE seats. Whats the reason.
Request you to contact nearby RTE officer or RTE Help line.
Dear sir
when second round rte results please let me know
Sir when is rte 2 round list announced.
Hi, my son date of birth 07-05-2014
Not yet, it will be announced shortly
Dear Sir,
when second round rte results please let me know.
Dear Sir/Madam
when 2nd round result please let me know.we are waiting for results
hi sir good morning
sir i got the 1st round results, but in school documents only collected sir, how to know the admission status pls guid me sir..
sir, my daughter belongs to sc but in application it is other, please guide me that how can i change , and at lease my daughter can be selected in 2 round.
Please help us.
Hi Sir. 2nd Round Result which date….? please reply sir
hello , Sir my daughter is not selected in 1st round , when was the 2nd round result.
2nd Round will be announced as per the time table given by the Department of public instruction, Govt. of Karnataka, in short very soon
Respected sir,
1. I have applied for various school for L.KG admission and I got selected in one of those school for admission & i also applied RTE 2018.
2. so when RTE result going to be announced .
Thanking you,
where can I check for the rte results for 2018 – 2019
Hello webmaster, according to time table 1st list of results was on 6-4-2018, but still no update on 1st ROUND RESULTS ,
when may be date.
The List is out please check, There is a link for it.
I still do not see the link for results, please post the link here.
Here is the Link Click here
please webmaster i could not get LINK to check 1 st ROUND list , can you provide me the link.
Here is the Link Click here
hi Webster in this link it is showing school Selection, please tell us 1st round results came or not, we are not received any message in our mobile.
Hi Webmaster, the link that you provided does not take us to the online results page.
Be kind enough to provide the appropriate link.
Link is working I checked for some reasons if it is not working for you please Click Here Result of RTE 2018- Round 1
when is the RTE Results – 1st List ?????????? its already April 10. In the Attachment it shows April 06
when is the result of rte pls confirm
Check the time table, it will be announced shortly.
In RTE website there is a new software click here to upload EID acknowledgement In RTE 2018 in admission software. what is this message to whom it is applicable, when parents have given with child aadhar no also should UPLOAD EID of aadhar please brief us about this.
As you know, the application form is submitted by parents on behalf of their ward, parents needs to upload the EID no. that they receive after submission of the RTE application form in RTE 2018 software.
No EID no in RTE application because submitted application form of child Aadhar no & parents Aadhar no also submitted , According to me EID means enrollment identity in Aadhar whose as applied by giving EID no while filling RTE application is it true/ false, same confirmed with RTE nodal officer of my ward, please give us clarification.
if we missed that EID number, where should we get that EID number
Check your SMS or contact nearest RTE Officer
hi, Is there any extension date for RTE admission to LKG ?
PLS reply
sir eid no comes to mobile or slip let me no
In RTE website there is a new software for uploading EID acknowledgement number. What is this EID acknowledgement number?
When you applied for RTE admission through RTE 2018 Admission software online, you get EID number, that number should be submitted online.
Dear Sir,
Where is the EID No Located in the Application Copy
Hi Sir,
When is last date for applying RTE? or is it going to extend further?
my son age DOB: 28-07-2014.can i apply for LKG in this year?
Please contact your nearest RTE Office/Officer or the Given RTE Help line number.
Hi Sir,
Can we modify the mobile details given during RTE application as I have entered wrong number while applying application and I am not getting any msg regarding the same. Please suggest
Two weeks before i applied athar card for my girl baby. still now not get athar card so i dont have athar number but i have enrolment number. can i apply along with athar enrolment number to the RTE.
HI SIR in online i have apply the RTE, Application number is also came, but in selection of school by mistaken i have selected only 1 school , any chances are their to select other school aiso.
Let us know the date of extension for RTE in Karnataka
Parent of Rachith – 27-07-2012 (DOB)
Request yourself and Government of Karnataka to extend the RTE dates as this time the days were very short. Kindly let us know sir.
Parent of Rachith – 27-07-2012 (DOB)
i have already applied in trail version, now i need apply again ???? Please reply
It is required if you want to modify the application for school preferences
Hi Sir
How to print acknowdgement page for RTE 2018
Like We dont have any reciept or proof that we applied
We just have Application Number
Plss Help Us for printing Acknowlegement page
Dear Sir,
Please see below RTE portal link is there click then you will get Acknowledgement Copy.
if you find the link plz share,it will be helpfull for many of us
Hi, my son date of birth 10-07-2011. LKG Studied in Bangalore. UKG in Raichur Dist i am applying for bangalore location is it possible
Yes you can apply for RTE 1st. apply quickly time is getting over.
Sir we are leaving Panchayat limit.it is adjusting bbmp with in 1km.but our Panchayat limit only 2schools.but i can apply neighbours BBMP ward . please help me.
Please apply in neighbor schools if the schools in your area are full.
Hi Sir, Im Kavita my Daughter DOB 30-03-2014 Shall I do admission for LKG.
Income certificate for daughters required or parents?
Parents income certificate is required.
My daughter’s dob is 4/10/2011.can I apply for RTE seat for class 1.she is a disabled child, can you please let us know as early as possible.
Age wise is above the required age, but please contact RTE helpline and see if they help.
SIR THE child date of birth is 10/05/2012 in aadhaar card 10/05/2011 is mistake what can do you sir please reply sir
Please provide the Age Certificate, and correct age in Aadhaar as soon as possible.
Sir my child is born in 4/10/2011 and physically disabled child can she apply for class 1
Sir in Mangalore Karnataka there s no RTE application for LKG students then at to do for pur childres
RTE is there for whole of KA, Please Contact RTE Office or Help Line.
Age is above the required age. please contact rte help line and ask them if it is possible.
Age of your daughter is slightly less that is 3 months less, please contact RTE Office or apply next year
sir my son DOB is 27/10/2013 whether he ll get RTE plz rply sir it ll be helpful
Dear sir
my son DOB is 18-8-2012 eligeblity difference is only 17 day please give concisin 20 Or 25 because we waiting for 1 year please under undestand and give concision 20 days
Please contact RTE Office or the RTE Helpline.
Hi sir.. I have applied rte for 1st .. let imagine if we confirm the seat should we pay something to school or it is totally free til 10th. Plz reply.. in schools they’re taking maintenance fees should we pay R not…
Dear Sir,
Actually i have my son’s aadhar number if i updated my son’s aadhar number but after that it is asking for finger print or OTP but we have given finger print but it is showing that Biometrics Service Not running. Please run the service and refresh this page!. So please suggest us what to do next
Hi Sir , My Son name is Hemanth Roa his DOB is 08/02/2009 , now he was to go for 4th std , Can we also apply for RTE Form , We have all the documents which you required , what is the last date to submit the Application Form , and where we have submit . Please reply sir Thank you
No as per RTE Act. Only LKG and 1st Std admissions are conducted, please contact:1800-425-34567
After receipt of Applicant copy what is the next procedure ? To whom the print copy has to submit? Please inform.
Once submitted successfully, please take the print copy, if you have any doubt contact: 1800-425-34567
Parents Income certificate, from where you think child will have income???
When we fetch data from income cast and submit its say parents detail doesnt match with issue refrence number, what its mean i dont know, sir please reply and help
Please contact Nearest RTE Officer
Sir, whose name income cast is require, cild or parents
Parents Income certificate
Sir ,my son is 26/09/2012, can I apply for 1st std??? Reply me sir
Hi sir My son name is Gururaj.A.M DOB id 30/08/2012 I want RTE seat Please reply me sir
For 1st Grade/Standard Child should be 5 years 10 months to 6 years 10 months as of 1st of June of the Academic year as per provisions of Section 20 of the Karnataka Education Act-1993 R/W the right of Children to Free and compulsory Education Act-2009.
Hi sir My son name is kundan A.M DOB id 16/03/2011 i want RTE seat Please reply me sir
For 1st Grade/Standard Child should be 5 years 10 months to 6 years 10 months as of 1st of June of the Academic year as per provisions of Section 20 of the Karnataka Education Act-1993 R/W the right of Children to Free and compulsory Education Act-2009.
RTE result declare on which date
hi Sir,
To which mobile number do we get OTP. is it for the number which is registered in Aadhaar card.
Mobile number which you entered during registration, it is always better to use same mobile.
Yes its that number which is registerd in adhaar card
Dear sir ,
aadhar card and income certificate different address like native address in cast& income certificate i working in Bangalore here aadhar card address so i can apply RTE application
Name has to be same, please make changes.
I had filed a an application for LKG for my daughter I am not getting proper Acknowledgement where can I get it and I had got the Application No. with me.
Please contact the nearest RTE Officer/ Or check it out in Bengaluru One or Karnataka one
hi sir my born on 6 nov 2014 .when ican apply rte .i can registration .
Hi ,
Does both the parents aadhar card is required or only Father aadhar card is required while applying RTE
Please help
One parent’s, i.e father or mother Aadhaar is sufficient, as per the notification.
Namaa hallige RTE 2 Varsha galinda eela namaa hallige gowrenahalli anekal (tq) Bangalore (dist) namaa taluq ge somaru 11 government shalegalive adaru alige RTE kudteera namaa hallige ya makalina bhavishya yeano agabeku sir or madam
bangalurige banni bhavishya channa gutthe
my daughter is 02.10.12 can i apply her for 1 st standard
Age as per DOB is 5 years 10 months only.
Hi sir/madam, i applied for rte seat for my son..but in acknowledgement second school list are not displayed, i selected 4 schools in neighbor school list, is it necessary for apply again……whats the problem pls suggest me sir,………
Pls give suggestion sir
What suggestions you need Mr Manjunatha
Hi sir/madam, i applied for rte seat for my son..but in acknowledgement second school list are not displayed, i selected 4 schools in neighbor school list, is it necessary for apply again……whats the problem pls suggest me sir,………
Please re-check if you applied correctly.
No option for recheck sir…….whats the procedure
If you have submitted everything correctly, Visit RTE Portal here to print your acknowledgement.
Same problem occurs again in printout, second school list are not displayed
Please contact RTE Help line, they will help
Parents proof ge adhar / voter id ide alva adu thayi athava thande ibralli yardadru proof aguthe alva illa father de irbeka. pl inform sir.
my son date of birth 04/04/2014 he is applicable for LKG…? AND onother one thing our caste certificate and income certificate not generated due to general merit (Brahman). so please suggest.
As per given details, age is 4 years and 3 months old. Eligible for LKG
My Doughter is 1st Dec 2014 born..Can i get admission for LKG..Pls suggest me ..For Which class i need to do Admission.
Age is 3 years 8 months only. Minimum Eligibility age please check.
Sir my son DOB 06/01/2013 He is eligible for RTE Admission ? for witch class
For 1st Standard Age should be 6 years 10 months, so apply next year
Sir, Can i apply same old Caste & income certificate which i had applied for my daugter. Now for my son
It is better to get a new certificate
Dear Sir,
My Son D.O.B. is 23/09/2012 He is eligible for LKG Or 1st std…please reply me sir
5 years 10 months old as per given date of birth, LKG admission not eligible
My daughter date of birth is 27/05/2012 can i apply RTE SEAT for 1 std ?.And Our income certificate and caste certificate its mention different
address.and Adhar card also not for same address because we are in rental house . Will you please tell me in all documents where to go change
of address. please reply me .
Yes for 1st std.
after downloading income certificate its comes applicat/parents name mismatch what problem sir
If the name and spelling is same it should not mismatch, please rectify the error. or Contact nearest RTE Officer
Hi Rekha , I Think Income Certificate is some eror pls check once
I missed some school ..So I can modify my application sir …
Not now, looking at last year, application modification date will be announced later.
Sir, Please Inform to me ..About After RTE (LKG) Application Form on Online completed…What should do next..
Hi Sir,
My friend son is studying in RTE School, which is very FAR for his house. Now some the schools are involved in RTE Ward list which are near to his house. Can he apply once again for nearest School ? RTE is allowed or not.
After receipt of online RTE acknowledgement, then what is the next procedure. Kindly update.
Hello sir i am willing to apply rte seat for my child nazmeen for 1st standard, My ward no is 19 sharanabasaveshwara colony sindhanur,But in application there is no schools are showing for the mentioned ward can i select any other wards school.weather it is ok or not.
Please reply me sir i am waiting.
In a case where schools are not showing please select schools in the neighboring ward. Please read the RTE Documents that are mentioned in the website
hi sir my son DOB is 16-01-2014 can i apply RTE for LKG. sir pls reply…or tel me after 2yrs can i apply for 1st standard.can he be aligible for 1st standard..sir pls reply
Your son eligible as per date of birth for LKG Admission, and yes one can apply for 1st std under RTE.
Gud noon sir,
this is from manipal (udupi) looking for RTE seat ….now its under real base of application submission they removed the name of trail…my problem is my pin code is 576104 but am not at all getting any school under my pin code….wats da problem…can u plz help me out…
Please contract nearest RTE officer, or Check the neighborhood school in different pin code
Hi my daughter name is Saanvi.S DOB:-19/6/2014 i am looking for RTE seat kindly reply for this comment …..
looking forward….
Hi my daughter name is saanvi DOB:-19/6/2014 i am looking for RTE seat kindly reply for this comment …..
looking forward….
Sir, while applying RTE application in online, i can reach till parents Adhara no, but from reservation page onwards i cann’t go ERROR says says: Try Again, i tried so many times same error coming from 4days. i am confused what is this error please help me out.
Presently online application is in trial mode, just wait for it go live.
today you apply sir since the income certificate is not approved you will get that error
You should have had income certificate. You can apply and present income certificate, or get the certificate from tehsildar office at the earliest.
Sir my ward is 76 can I apply to my adjacent ward the no is 65
It depends on the schools availability in your ward, you can apply in another adjacent ward only if your ward has less number of schools and more students, please check the RTE details here: https://www.freshershome.com/142/rte-admission-guidelines-documents-required/
Hellow sir…trying to apply RTE online application to my son from manipal udupi from 23 feb 18 till date application is not able to submit ….any other link is there other than schooleducation.in to submit …
Application is available online at (http://www.schooleducation.kar.nic.in/indexKN.html) and it is running on trial basis, hold on for a while, it will be live soon.
Hi sir Nanv apply madupekathre haa wardle madupeka sir illa other ward sir
nevu nimma ward bagge check maadu bekuandre, ei link hogi nodi: Know your School – Provisional List for RTE 2018.
As per given DOB your daughter age will be: 5 years and 8 months, Eligibility for 1std under RTE should be 5 years 10 months to 6 years 10 months as of 1st of June
hello sir my son name is AKHILESH DOB- 25/04/2012 CAN I APPLY FOR RTE SEAT
RTE LKG Admission or 1st std? from Date of birth you can apply for First std.
Hi Sir/Madam My Baby Date of birth 20-02-2015 i can apply for LKG.
hai sir My son name is K.NAVIN KUMAR is DOB: 18-01-2012 I want to no when is the RTE DTD please reply me sir.
Please check here: https://www.freshershome.com/rte-age-eligibility.php
My daughter dob is 11 July 2014 , can I apply for lkg in rtI for the year 2018 ,
Hi sir my son DOF is 21- 11-2012 which class I taken Ukg or 1st std
last year date of rte lkg admi= 01-08-2012 to 31-07-2013 and 1st std 01-08-2010 to 31-07-2011 so this year change of date of birth in rte application the last year is same year to year change of birth change in child
Sir My Daughter Date of Birth 15-10-2013. Can I Apply for admission for LKG.
Hi Sir My Daughter Date of Birth 15-10-2013. can i apply for LKG.
Yes as per given DOB eligible
pls tel me witch of tha name want cast income certificate baby name or father name or mother name want to subbmit
Should be fathers name, how will baby have income to have certificate?
Hello Madam, Age is above 7 years and 4 months, please contact RTE Officer if there a provisions for admission for 1st Standard for age exceeding the given criteria
in Last online Update I had information That the RTE Online Submission will be start from 15th of February 2018, Please Confirm if the Foarm Submission is stated if not then when it will be starting please confirm the date
Nan magala date of birth 09/01/2014 evaga andre 2018/19 ge admission sigutha and application hege and yavaga siguthe plz heli. And magala mattu nan adar card compulsory na heli plz
Hi sir my son DOF is 07- 12-2012 which class I taken Ukg or 1st std
Please wait for a while, soon Department of Public Information will allow online applications from RTE Candidates. Keep the required Documents ready
Dear Sir,
My son name is Ritwik L , His DOB is 13-08-2013, kindly confirm whether he will be eligible for 2018-19 academic year LKG admission
please confirm the date
As per given date of birth your age will be you are 4 years and 11 months old. and eligible
My daughter d.o.b is 30.08.2014. With reference to above subjected guidelines she is not allowed to get ADMISSION anywhere in the schools for L.K.G at Mangalore. We tried a lots but all in vain. Now if she is not allowed this 2018-19 year then for just sake of ONE MONTH SHORT, she will have to waste ONE COMPLETE YEAR. We hope that these SITUATIONS have been CONSIDERED while FORMATTING these RULES.
The rules are set by Govt. of Karnataka, Request you to visit some RTE Office near by your place and inquire about your problem.
If I don’t have caste certificate then also I can apply I only have maniorty cirtificate
Hi sir/madam my son name is kashvith my son date of birth 25/12/2014 i want to LKG seat please reply me sir/madam
Sir., when coming date for Rte application. I don’t know plz tell me
online application will be opened shortly. Please keep visiting this place or the Official website for regular updates.
feb 20
I want to 1admission seat for my baby.
Dob :09/04/2013 its urgent required there is no admission form so how can i get the admission form plz reply me hurry.
Please Check RTE Admission 2018-19 time table, and follow as per the given time table.
Hi sir My baby name is kashvith DOB id 25/12/2014 i want RTE seat Please reply me sir