Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) will award Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowships to outstanding engineers to recognize, encourage and support translational research by individuals to achieve excellence in engineering, innovation and technology development.
Scope: All areas of engineering, innovation and technology will be covered by this fellowship
Eligibility for Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowships
The duration of the fellowship will be initially for three years, extendable by up to two more years depending on the performance.
The fellowship can be held for a maximum of 5 years.
The nominations can be sent by the Heads of the Institutions/ organizations, Presidents/ fellows of National science/ engineering academies, SS Bhatnagar
Awardees and JC Bose awardees.
The nominations will be accepted throughout the year.
The format for inviting nominations is attached.
Selection of Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellows will be made periodically (normally twice a year) by a Search -Cum-Selection Expert Committee specially constituted for the purpose, as per the broad guidelines of the fellowship
Download the Application form from here