About NMMSS:
A 100% funds are provided by the Central Government for the Scheme, for meritorious students of economically weaker section of the society, to help their education and stop the drop out from Class VIII and encourage them to continue their study at secondary state.
Objective is to award scholarships to meritorious students of economically weaker sections to arrest their drop out at class VIII and encourage them to continue the study at secondary stage
Benefits of NMMSS:
One lakh scholarships at Rs.6000/- per annum (Rs.500/- per month) are awarded to selected students of class IX every year and their continuation/renewal in classes X to XII for study in State Government, Government-aided and Local body schools under the scheme
Eligibility for NMMSS scholarship:
Students whose parental income from all sources is not more than Rs.1,50,000/- per annum
The students shall have minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade in Class VII examination (Relaxable by 5% for SC/ST).
There is reservation as per State Government norms.
There is quota of scholarships for different States/UTs. State-wise details of Quota of Scholarships attached.
Students of NVS, KVS, Sainik schools and private schools are not entitled for the scholarships.
For continuing the scholarship in class X and XII, the awardees should get clear promotion from class IX to class X and from class XI to class XII in the first attempt with 55% marks (relaxable by 5% for SC/ST). The awardees must obtain a minimum of 60% marks in Class X (relaxable by 5% for SC/ST) examination or equivalent examination for continuation of the scholarship at higher secondary stage.
Scholarships are disbursed by the State Bank of India directly by electronic transfer into the accounts of students through Public Financial Management System (PFMS).
There is reservation as per State Government norms.
Selection procedure for NMMSS:
The selection of students for award of scholarships under the scheme is made through an examination conducted by the State Governments.
The students must pass both the tests i.e. MAT and SAT with at least 40% marks in each. For the reserved category, this cut off will be 32% marks.
Each State/UT conducts its own test for selection of students, The State Level Examination consists of the following two tests.
(i) Mental Ability Test (MAT)
(ii) Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
Steps for Applying:
Step 1: Please visit the Website https://scholarships.gov.in
Step 2: Click on the New Registration button, if your applying for the first time.
Step 3: Carefully read the guidelines for Registration on National Scholarship Portal.
Step 4: After reading guidelines/instructions click on the Continue button
Step 5: Fill the student registration form.
Step 6: After entering all required details click on the Register button.
Step 8: Student registration ID will be displayed. (Note down the Student Registration ID number for further reference and inquiries).
Step 9: Click on Continue button, it will take you to the Login Page.
Step 10: The login id and password to log into the NSP portal will be your Application Id and DOB respectively.
Step 11: After Login Student will get OTP of 5 digits on Registered Mobile Number.
Step 12: Confirm OTP will take you to Change Password Page and Change your password as per instruction on the same page.
Step 13: Click on Apply button and enter personal details, Academic Details, Bank Details.
Step 14: After entering the above details click on Save & Continue to Switch on to next Page.
Step 15: Applicant is directed to see the next page for Contact Details & Scheme Details Enter your contact details, Select the Scheme: National Means Cum Merit Scholarship