Government of India
Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Central Government Sponsored
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Needy Scheduled Tribe students studying in Class IX & X
Objective of the Scheme:
- To support parents of ST children for education of their wards studying in classes IX and X
- To improve participation of ST children in classes IX and X of the prematric stage, so that they perform better and have a better chance of progressing to the post-matric stage of education.
- Student should belong to Scheduled Tribe
- Her/his Parents/Guardians income should not exceed Rs. 2.00 lakh per annum.
- She / he should not be getting any other Centrally-funded Pre-Matric Scholarship.
- She/ he should be a regular, full time student studying in a Government School or in a School recognized by Govt. or a Central/State Board of Secondary Education.
- Scholarship for studying in any class will be available for only one year. If a student has to repeat a class, she / he would not get scholarship for that class for a second (or subsequent) year.
Scholarships will be paid to the students whose parents/guardians income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakh only) per annum
Benefits of this Scholarship/ Value of Scholarship:
i) Scholarship and other grant,
ii) Additional allowance for students with disabilities studying in private un-aided recognized Schools.
Rates of scholarship and other grant will be as follows:
Item | Day Scholars | Hostellers |
Scholarship for 10 months (Rs. per month) | 150 | 350 |
Books and Ad hoc Grant (Rs. per annum) | 750 | 1000 |
iii) Additional Allowances for ST students with disabilities studying in private unaided Schools
ST students with disabilities, studying in classes IX & X in private un-aided recognized schools, will be eligible for allowances under this Scheme, as follows:
Allowances for students with disabilities studying in Private un-aided Schools | Amount (in Rs.) |
(i) Monthly Reader Allowance for Blind students | 160 |
(ii) Monthly Transport Allowance for students with disabilities (as defined in the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995), if such students do not reside in the hostel which is within the premises of the Educational Institution. | 160 |
(iii) Monthly Escort Allowance for Severely Disabled (i.e. with 80% or higher disability) Day Scholars/Students with low extremity disability | 160 |
(iv) Monthly Helper Allowance admissible to any employee of the hostel willing to extend help to a severely orthopedically handicapped student residing in the hostel of an Educational Institution who may need the assistance of a helper. | 160 |
(v) Monthly Coaching Allowance to Mentally Retarded and Mentally ill Students | 240 |
Selection process:
- All eligible Scheduled Tribe candidates will be given scholarships as prescribed in this scheme
- Candidates belonging to one State but studying in another State will be awarded scholarships by the State to which they belong and will submit their applications to the competent authority in that State.
Scholarship duration and renewal:
- The scholarship will be payable for 10 months in an academic year.
- The award once made will continue subject to good conduct and regularity in attendance. It will be renewed for Class X after the student passes Class IX
Instructions for application:
An application for scholarship should comprise following required documents:
(a) One copy of the application for scholarship in the prescribed form (separate application forms as have been prescribed for fresh and renewal scholarship by concerned States/UTs).
(b) One copy of the passport size photograph with signatures of the student thereon (for fresh scholarship).
(c) A certificate (in original) of Scheduled Tribe duly signed by an authorized Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.
(d) An income declaration by the self-employed parents/guardians, stating definite income from all sources by way of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper. Employed parents/guardians are required to obtain income certificate from their employer and for any additional income from other sources, they would furnish declaration by way of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper.
(e) A receipt in acknowledgement of the scholarship in the previous year on the form attached to the application only duly counter-signed by the Head of the Institution/School concerned, if the applicant was in receipt of a scholarship under this scheme in the preceding year.
(ii) Application complete in all respects, shall be submitted to the Head of the Institution/School, being attended or last attended by the candidates and shall be forwarded by the Head of Institution, after scrutiny and with his recommendation, to the sanctioning authority.
To Apply Follow the steps:
Step 1: Visit https://scholarships.gov.in and register
Step 2: Click on new registration, if you are applying for the first time as fresh applicant.
Step 3: Read guidelines carefully, Click on continue button and fill up the registration form.
Step 4: Click register button
Step 5: A Registration ID will be displayed not it down.
Step 6: Login with the created credentials at the login page.
Step 7: Enter the OTP, that will be sent to registered mobile number.
Step 8: After confirmation of OTP, you can change the password as per the instructions.
Step 9: Click on the apply button and enter your personal details such as Academic details, Bank account details, Caste etc.
Step 10: Save and click continue, Here you will be directed to select the Scheme, and enter your contact details.
Application deadline:
15th October 2019