Government of Karnataka
The Hon’ble Minister for Wakf, Haj,
Minorities Welfare & Chairman,
Karnataka State Wakf Foundation for
Women Development,
No. 84-A, Sadath Hajj House, 1st Floor,
Richmond Road, Bangalore – 560025
Health Relief Scheme from Govt. of Karnataka, Karnataka State Wakf Foundation For Women Development
In this Health relief scheme Medical relief is provided to Muslim Minorities woman and girls for medical treatment on the following conditions:
- The annual income of the beneficiary should by less than Rs 1, 20,000/- [INR One Lakh Twenty Thousand Only]. This Scheme is not applicable to the Government Servants.
- Applications Should be submitted in the prescribed Proforma along with a copy of the Income Certificate issued by the Tahsildar and on estimate by the Hospital / Nursing Home approved by the Government.
- Applications should be submitted by the husband or guardian of the patient only.
- Patients suffering from dangerous diseases like Heart, Kidney, Brain, Cancer, TB (excluding Cesarean C-section) and other diseases are also eligible to receive the grant.
- Under this Scheme relief of minimum of Rs.25000/- and maximum of Rs.100,000/- will be provided by cheque through the concerned hospital.
- In certain exceptional cases relief will be paid by cheque to the patient within three months of settling of bills after taking treatment.
Documents Required:
- Income Certificate copy issued by Tahsildar
- Estimate provided by Hospital/ Nursing Home approved.
How to Apply:
Applications in Proforma provided, should be submitted by the Husband/ Guardian of the Patient only.
To the Address:
The Hon’ble Minister for Wakf, Haj,
Minorities Welfare & Chairman,
Karnataka State Wakf Foundation for
Women Development,
No. 84-A, Sadath Hajj House, 1st Floor,
Richmond Road, Bangalore – 560025